
At the Universitá Roma TRE, I conducted erosion tectonic sandbox experiments using an earth analog material called CM2 (check out Reitano et al., 2020). We used a velocity discontinuity set-up to build mountains and a misting system to erode them. The plate tectonic scenario we investigated is called transpression. Transpressive systems are particularly interesting, because compared to traditional studies, which consider orogens in 2D, transpressional orogens must be considered in 3D. In other words, transpressional deformation incorporates the evolution of a compressional FT belt with a component of strike-slip. In our study, we wanted to investigate how strain evolves across the orogen and is modified by erosional systems, specifically drainage reorganization. We found that erosion may modify the evolution of strain partitioning, so that highly erosive systems may actually reach full strike-slip partitioning sooner. It is likely that this is an effect of mass removal and redistribution. Ultimately, a master fault and parallel axial valley form. We consider this a characteristic morphology of transpressional systems. The colocation of max rock uplift and max incision means that exhumation is localized along this valley. These results are supported by the morphology and measured erosion in natural transpressional systems. For more details see my research gate page with the full manuscript.